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Yu Runde presents the world in his eye to China’s contemporary art circle with his unique style and language. He immerses himself in his own practice, exploring how shape and color relate to each other, devoting himself to integrate the beauty of objects with his sensibility into his artworks. He directs the audience to feel life as a journey which is far-reaching and exciting. Painting is a lifelong exploration and Yu is enjoying the joy and freedom that art brings to him.

–  Zheng Yi –

Our Talented Artists

The Hand and the Heart

My Monologue

Belief that never changes

Hu Yanyan is the President and CEO of China Guardian Auctions. She is also a seasoned expert who has participated in and witnessed the collection and auction of Chinese calligraphy and paintings. She joined Guardian Auctions in 1993 and has served as the General Manager of the Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings Department, Vice President, and President.

The Hermit Dwelling in the Earthly World

The Dreamlike Fantasy

The Beauty of Oneness

The Aesthetic Values of Yu Runde

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